If you didn't fear fear what would you do?.

Imagine being able to manage our own fear in real-time, during any scenario, from sporting event, to interpersonal conflict, from negative self-talk to a violent confrontation.

Managing fear is both science and skill and it directly influences the outcome of every event.

Now you can learn, study and apply a proven approach to facing fear.

From the KNOW FEAR manifesto:

"If we were [methodically] taught how to manage fear as kids, how to trust our gut, spot danger, avoid danger, de-escalate and if and when necessary defend ourselves, a lot of us would have had more positive experiences growing up and in life.

Fear, impacts everything we do, from who we talk to, to whom we marry, from where we work, to where we live, from how much weight we lift to, whether or not we defend ourself... the ability to recognize, and manage fear directly impacts the quality of our life.

There's no such a thing as "no fear", but there is a way to get to "know fear" and that's to face it, understand it, and control it by learning to use it as both a signal and a fuel."
